Smart Concrete

Digging into C-MORE, the EPA’s new regulation encouraging producers to lower carbon emissions Authors’ note: I’ve decided to write this monthly column because the concrete industry has greater opportunities for carbon reduction than any other core construction material, and frankly, in my 15-year involvement with concrete, I’ve learned to love the industry and the material. Concrete will be the carbon…

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CMHA publishes indispensable Industry-Average EPD for CMU

The Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association (CMHA) provides global warming potential (GWP) and other requisite metrics for seven light, medium or normal weight block classes in the premier Industry-Average Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Concrete Masonry Units in the United States. Leading EPD author Climate Earth Inc. factors data from 35 CMU producers in the ASTM International-verified document. The Industry-Average…

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CMHA releases first U.S. Industry-Average EPD for concrete masonry units 

Sources: Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association, Herndon, Va. The Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association (CMHA) provides global warming potential (GWP) and other requisite metrics for seven light, medium or normal weight block classes in the premier Industry-Average Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Concrete Masonry Units in the United States. Leading EPD author Climate Earth Inc. factors data from 35 CMU…

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Chryso and GCP teams gauge EPD GWP data with Impact App

The latest tool in Saint-Gobain Construction Chemicals’ Curbing CO2 at the Source Program for Sustainability arms the Chryso and GCP sales organization to pre-quantify the embodied carbon factor in customers’ concrete mix designs. The EnviroMix Impact App assists in accurate calculation of Global Warming Potential, the lead environmental product declaration (EPD) metric. The app uses industry average data references for…

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Energy Efficient and Carbon Sequestering Lightweight CMU Walls

Two of today’s major focus areas in the design community are reducing the amount of energy (usually in the form of fossil fuel to heat, cool and operate buildings) and reducing the embodied carbon in building materials. To help meet the moment, the concrete products industry has two readily available and affordable solutions that can be used to address both…

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“EPD on Demand” tool equips aggregate producers for Buy Clean 

Sources: WAP Sustainability, Nashville; CP staff Life cycle assessment and environmental product declaration services provider WAP Sustainability has launched Theta EPD for Aggregates with National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association support. The first tool of its kind programmed specifically for North American producers, Theta Aggregate builds on WAP’s expertise in LCA and EPD generation software for ready mixed concrete, concrete…

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NRMCA surveys producers ahead of Industry-Wide EPD 4.0 validation

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is assessing producer data behind the Industry-Wide Environmental Product Declaration Version 4.0 (IW-EPD v4) and Benchmark Report, set for 2024 release. The new document will feature carbon dioxide emissions and other environmental impacts or metrics attending more than 100 mix designs, including air-entrained and non-air-entrained concretes plus a new high-strength category (> 8,000 psi);…

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FHWA: Most states endorse EPD for Sustainable Project Delivery

Federal Highway Administration Sustainable Pavements Program team members are engaging with representatives of the 40 state departments of transportation implementing Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Sustainable Project Delivery. The initiative is part of the 2023-2024 round of Every Day Counts, an FHWA program launched in 2009 “to advance a culture of innovation in the transportation community with public and private…

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NRMCA invites producer participation in Industry-Wide EPD 4.0 survey

Sources: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Alexandria, Va.; CP staff The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is accepting through October 6 applications for producers to contribute data underpinning the Industry-Wide Environmental Product Declaration Version 4.0 (IW-EPD v4) and Benchmark Report. The new document will feature carbon dioxide emissions and other environmental impacts or metrics attending more than 100 mix designs,…

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Agency pilots low embodied carbon material requirements

The U.S. General Services Administration has commenced a six-month procurement program to test Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) submittal requirements for asphalt, concrete, glass and steel specified in 11 Inflation Reduction Act-backed building or paving projects. The pilot will generate insights into regional market availability of qualifying products and materials, and inform adjustments that may be needed for a final set…

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