The National Precast Concrete Association Nominating Committee has submitted its slate of 2017-18 officer and director nominees, the vote scheduled during the NPCA 52nd Annual Convention next month in Atlanta. Nominees on track to join previously elected 2017-18 NPCA Chairman Ashley Smith of Smith-Midland Corp. are: Chairman-Elect Michael Hoffman of Lindsay Precast Inc. and Secretary/Treasurer Jon Ohmes of Champion Precast Inc.; plus Directors Jeff Malcolm of Norwalk Concrete Industries, Joel Sheets of Tindall Corp., Mark Wieser of Wieser Concrete Products, and Wes Dees of Seaman Corp. (Associate).

ACI 117 – Tolerances has become a joint committee of American Concrete Institute and American Society of Concrete Contractors, charged with collecting, developing, coordinating, and specifying tolerances and related information for concrete construction and materials through liaison with other ACI committees and related industry organizations. ACI and ASCC are major and minor sponsors of the joint committee, respectively.

“In addition to committee assistance, ASCC will provide technical input during document review and will be instrumental in selecting committee leadership,” says ASCC Technical Director and ACI 117 Vice Chair Bruce Suprenant. The organizations have informally worked together on this subject for the past several years, he adds, noting, “From 2007-2011, ASCC supported ACI 117 with an $82,000 grant to complete ACI 117.1R-14 ‘Guide for Tolerance Compatibility in Concrete Construction.’ Being a joint committee will provide formal recognition to the efforts of both organizations with respect to their interests in tolerances.”

“Contractors can contribute a significant amount of data to the tolerances conversation, as they have the ability to measure their projects and share findings,” affirms ACI 117 Chair Eric Peterson of San Francisco-based Webcor Builders. “Only when we are able to determine what tolerances are practical can we accurately specify those numbers for the industry.”