Kraft Systems thinks granular for premium paver protection


Kraft Systems’ new T-Rex Granulat Dispenser distributes rectangular or disc-shaped low density polyethylene plastic bits across paving stone production pallets. A surface protection alternative to netting products, the plastic granulates prevent layer-to-layer contact, eliminating the potential for scratches and abrasion. The mechanically flexible LDPE bits act like a rubber mat to effectively secure finished product and curtail movement or skipping.

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EP Henry seals long-term paver protection with in-line treatment


ColorTech by New Jersey-based EP Henry is the newest advancement in paver technology and is an integral part of the manufacturing process. The in-line process treatment delivers an added layer of protective coating during production while still maintaining the surface texture of the stone, making it in many cases more indistinguishable from natural stone than pavers without ColorTech.

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