The American Road & Transportation Builders Association has asked the Federal Highway Administration to withdraw a proposal to measure greenhouse gas emissions from new transportation projects. The agency action is part of larger performance measures required under the 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) surface transportation reauthorization law, and follows the White House’s early-August release of “Final Guidance on Considering Climate Change in Environmental Reviews” for federal agencies.
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FMCSA shifts on electronic logs, FHWA hears Concrete Bridge Council
From the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association … To provide federal, state and local motor carrier enforcement officials uniform information regarding computer software and devices heavy duty truck drivers use in recordkeeping, Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration has issued guidance indicating it will accept electronically generated hours of service record of duty status logs with electronic signatures.
Read MorePrecast Concepts hosts Colorado lawmaker delegation
After flooding and wildfires have increased scrutiny of materials used in the state’s roadway systems, Precast Concepts hosted a Colorado Senate and House Transportation Committee tour of its Henderson pipe and drainage structures plant, west of Denver, informing lawmakers on infrastructure quality, safety, design and life cycle costs.
Read MoreMaterials Group: Highway authorization warrants years, not months
Sources: Portland Cement Association, Washington, D.C.; CP staff
On behalf of members representing concrete and asphalt interests, the Highway Materials Group calls on Congress to pass a longer term transportation authorization bill following a temporary highway and bridge funding patch approved as Capitol Hill approached an August recess.
Read MoreLawmakers, Administration move on highway funding reauthorization
Road and bridge construction stakeholders are tracking two major developments in Washington, D.C., as the Highway Trust Fund balance dwindles and the current federal highway funding program expires at the end of September.
Read MoreFHWA: Laggards represent one-quarter of National Bridge Inventory
The latest Federal Highway Administration National Bridge Inventory (NBI) data show a total of 25 percent of the nation’s bridges 20 ft. or longer are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Eleven percent of the 600,000-plus NBI crossings are structurally deficient, indicating significant deterioration of the deck, supports or other major components. Structurally deficient crossings may be posted for lower weight limits or closed if their condition warrants.
Read MorePCA applauds life-cycle analysis provisions of new surface transportation legislation
Source: Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill.
After weeks of negotiations, a new surface transportation legislation, which was passed by Congress on June 29, was signed into law by President Barak Obama on July 6. PCA released a statement saying the organization was especially pleased with key provisions in the final bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), related to life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and pavement research, in addition to provisions to quickly bring the technologies to states.
Read MoreFlawed highway bill stabilizes flat funding levels through 2014
Sources: Portland Cement Association, Washington Office; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.; CP staff
Although it represents no real gain in dollars made available via years of short-term extensions, HR 4348, which morphed into Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, or MAP-21, was signed into law by President Obama two days after the July 4 holiday.
Read MoreNRMCA mobilizes opposition to recorder device mandate covering mixers
Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.
NRMCA is urging member producers and other ready mixed industry stakeholders to relay to their federal representatives opposition to transportation funding bill language requiring electronic on-board recorders (EOBR) in all commercial vehicles as part of hours of service regulation compliance. The proposed language remains at a late stage of House and Senate negotiations for the federal transportation program, funding for which expires June 30.
Read MoreNRMCA urges Congress pass Transportation Bill by June 30
Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.
The ready mixed industry came to Capitol Hill recently calling for Congress to quickly act on passage of a new surface transportation bill by June 30. NRMCA has again joined with other transportation stakeholders and members of the Senate to urge Congress to gain consensus on transportation issues, pass a new bill, and put thousands of Americans back to work by month’s end.
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