Oldcastle APG raises Arizona market stake with Master Block deal

Oldcastle APG, Atlanta-based CRH Company, has acquired Master Block Inc., a single plant operator in El Mirage, Ariz. The producer will seamlessly integrate into a regional concrete masonry, hardscapes and packaged dry mix platform anchored by Superlite, a charter Oldcastle APG business in Phoenix. Additionally, Pebble Technology International, a Scottsdale, Ariz. sister business specializing in swimming pool finishes, offers West…

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The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association 2023 Environmental Excellence Awards program honors nine plants. Now in its 28th year, the program offers producer members national recognition for outstanding contributions to protecting the environment and maintaining sound environmental management practices. It salutes operators that have not only met, but surpassed governmental compliance requirements and demonstrated a commitment to environmental excellence through…

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Oldcastle APG strengthens position in Canada with major Permacon investment

Sources: Oldcastle APG, Atlanta; CP staff Oldcastle APG, a CRH Company, has reopened its Permacon hardscape unit facility in Anjou, Quebec, following extensive renovation and implementation of the latest paver technology, including new MASA machinery to improve capacity, product reliability and inventory availability. “The upgrades will create more opportunities for Permacon to provide the highest quality outdoor living solutions to…

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