Master Builders Solutions has formed a Concrete Sustainability Group aimed at positioning the admixture giant as a go-to knowledge provider for low embodied carbon concrete. The group will focus on fostering effective collaboration among architects, engineers, producers, and contractors to ensure successful outcomes of projects with low-embodied carbon concrete requirements.
The company has tapped Director of Sustainability Dr. Charles Nmai, P.E., FACI to head the effort, joined by Master Builders Solutions veteran Tarek Khan, FACI, Associate DBIA and other colleagues. With 75-plus years of collective experience in the concrete industry, group leaders have been involved in technology transfer activities for over three decades and have extensive experience with high-performance concrete for every type of construction project.
Dr. Nmai is past president (2022-2023) of the American Concrete Institute and a member of the Board of Direction of NEU: an ACI Center of Excellence for Carbon Neutral Concrete, as well as a recognized industry speaker. Khan is an active ACI and Design-Build Institute of America member. Both are ACI Fellows and longtime American Society of Civil Engineers members.
Master Builders Solutions has collaborated with concrete producers and the architectural, engineering and construction community for 20-plus years to enable the use of low-embodied-carbon concretes in numerous projects across North America. Notable examples include One World Trade Center and 432 Park Avenue, high-rise buildings in New York City; the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission headquarters; the Tower at Pier 27 in Toronto; and, The Reed at Southbank in Chicago. Each project entailed extensive interaction between the design teams, contractors, concrete producers, and Master Builders Solutions’ experts.
“We are pleased to have this strong team spearheading these efforts to strengthen our leadership position as the go-to knowledge provider on sustainable concrete,” says Master Builders Solutions US & Canada President Dr. Bruce Christensen. “Charles and Tarek have engaged the AEC community for decades and are both well known in the industry. As a leading supplier of specialty products and services for the construction industry, we have timely solutions to address the various performance challenges that may arise with low-embodied-carbon concrete.”
“Our focus on enhancing the performance of construction materials that enable the reduction of CO2 emissions in concrete production is the core of our vision: ‘Inspiring people to build better.’ We hold firm in our belief in the transformative impact we can make, and this dedicated team stands as a key advocate in sharing this vision with our valued stakeholders,” adds Master Builders Solutions Chairman Dr. Boris Gorella.