Sources: Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association, Herndon, Va.;CP staff
The Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association has named 2022 Safety Award recipients: 158 block, paver or manufactured stone veneer producers, allied manufacturers or suppliers, and contractors or installers. The annual program honors CMHA members demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of their employees and work environment.
Participants earn awards by submitting qualifying OSHA 300A log or equivalent Canadian injury report data. For 2022, 10 Milestone Awards were presented to facilities with more than five consecutive years of Safety Award Program entries with zero OSHA or Canadian injury report incidents. CMHA also presented 111 Platinum (highest level of single year achievement), 26 Gold and 11 Silver Awards, each based on 2022 Incident Rate or Days Away for Restrictions and Transfer Rate formulas. A full listing of Milestone, Platinum, Gold and Silver Award recipients is posted here.