Sources: ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.; CP staff
ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys (A01) is eyeing a standard aimed at improving durability of strand used in (PT) post tension or bridge stay cable applications, principally through galvanized-product test methods. The proposed document would help gauge corrosion potential and a structure’s durability throughout its life cycle.
Dale King, engineering and product development manager at concrete reinforcing specialist Bekaert Corp., notes that zinc and zinc alloy galvanization has been used for many years to improve steel corrosion durability of structures while also increasing the life cycle of the other steel components. “Applying galvanization to the reinforcement PT elements in these systems is economical and improves corrosion durability, potentially adding years of safe performance to a structure’s life,” he says. “This standard would also apply to other PT applications such as parking garage barrier cables or storage tank wall reinforcement.”
Constructors, designers, public agencies, and reinforcement manufacturers are among those that will likely to reference WK62898, which will among agenda items during Committee A01 meetings, November 5-8 in Washington, D.C. Contact: ASTM staff liaison, Scott Orthey, 610/832-9730, [email protected].