With integrated manufacturing of 100 percent recycled paperboard and construction products, the company has recently introduced NewForm WireHolder rebar chairs; PoliGloss concrete forming tubes, leaving a smooth finish without spiral seam markings during concrete pouring; and, NewForm with DuPont Zemdrain liner, whose wicking properties improve drying and curing time, and increase finished columns’ surface hardness and abrasion resistance.
“Our experience with recycled paperboard helps us to continually develop innovative offerings for the construction industry. [Our] products help environmentally-conscious builders reach sustainable building codes easier without compromising their quality of work,” notes Newark Business Development Manager Michael Meuli. “We engineer products to meet our customers’ needs, and our innovation lab is available to develop custom solutions to assist the green building community at large.”
The company collects and supplies the raw material used to produce its products, he adds, making the business self-sustaining and environmentally sound. With a legacy in traditional paperboard products, from book bindings to game boards, Newark now serves six diverse markets. — Newark Recycled Paperboard Solutions, Cranford, N.J., www.newarkgroup.com