ASTM WK28156, Test Method for Bleed Stability of Cementitious Grout Under Static Pressure, is geared to rapid identification of grout properties that can lead to stressed steel strand corrosion; spalling of encasement concrete for post-tensioning ducts; and, misalignment of base plates with attendant bearing and equipment failure
Source: ASTM International, West Conshocken, Pa.
ASTM WK28156, Test Method for Bleed Stability of Cementitious Grout Under Static Pressure, is geared to rapid identification of grout properties that can lead to stressed steel strand corrosion; spalling of encasement concrete for post-tensioning ducts; and, misalignment of base plates with attendant bearing and equipment failure. The proposed ASTM standard uses less material, produces quantitative comparative results, is much faster than existing methods, and is usable in both laboratory and field conditions, says BASF Construction Chemicals scientist Fred Goodwin, incoming chair of ASTM Subcomittee C09.41 on Hydraulic Cement Grouts. Specifiers, grouting contractors, material suppliers and testing laboratories will be the most likely users of ASTM WK28156 once it has been approved, he adds. The proposed standard will be discussed during the ASTM C9 committee meetings, December 6-8 in New Orleans. Û 216/839-7009; [email protected]; ASTM liaison, Scott Orthey, 610/832-9730; [email protected]