Transtec and the Federal Highway Administration are continuing field trials on a wireless device that alerts concrete pavement crews of the need to adjust curing settings per weather or green slab changes
Source: The Transtec Group, Austin, Texas
Transtec and the Federal Highway Administration are continuing field trials on a wireless device that alerts concrete pavement crews of the need to adjust curing settings per weather or green slab changes. SmartCure will provide data in real time, allowing contractors to monitor conditions continuously, identifying critical environmental changes to control quality, says Transtec Project Manager Mauricio Ruiz, P.E.
The system features a weather station attached to a curing cart along with an infrared sensor for monitoring concrete surface temperatures and GPS for location tracking. Environmental condition and evaporation rate data is transferred wirelessly to an onsite laptop while pavement is placed; SmartCure software alerts the contractor when changes in surrounding climate conditions require changes in curing procedures. Evaporation rates are computed with the same formulas as Portland Cement Association nomographs, providing SmartCure users accurate and reliable readings. Û