Praising Wisconsin’s leadership in green job creation, Sen. Russ Feingold told CalStar Products’ Caledonia ribbon-cutting ceremony attendees, “The development of energy-saving and renewable-energy technologies offers an enormous opportunity to reduce costs, address environmental challenges, create jobs, and boost small businesses
Source: Office of U.S. Senator Russell Feingold
Praising Wisconsin’s leadership in green job creation, Sen. Russ Feingold told CalStar ProductsÌ Caledonia ribbon-cutting ceremony attendees, The development of energy-saving and renewable-energy technologies offers an enormous opportunity to reduce costs, address environmental challenges, create jobs, and boost small businesses. As the work here in Caledonia makes clear, developing new, green technologies to reduce emissions can help keep U.S. businesses competitive in the emerging, carbon-conscious global marketplace.
With an emphasis on recycling and reduced energy consumption in masonry unit production–reportedly 85 percent lower than a clay brick operation–the Caledonia plant was one of eight Wisconsin businesses that received funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Sen. Feingold noted that the stimulus funding and CalStar plant development dovetail with his top 2010 priorities, especially a jobs tax credit applicable to new positions or expanded work hours, plus his E4 Initiative supporting green jobs development tied to improved energy efficiency in homes and buildings.