SCAQMD has approved funds to demonstrate a prototype natural gas-powered concrete mixer to help reduce emissions from the construction sector
According to SCAQMD, heavy-duty trucks are among the largest contributors of smog-forming pollutants in the Los Angeles South Coast Air Basin, but strides are being made to facilitate the commercialization of low-NOx and -PM (particulate matter) natural gas engine technology to achieve federal clean air goals. But currently, no original equipment manufacturer produces a concrete truck with a natural gas-powered engine. We are looking forward to making this type of clean-fuel truck widely available to construction companies interested in promoting clean energy, said William A. Burke, Ed.D., governing board chairman of SCAQMD. It’s important to have natural gas vehicles for all applications, including heavy-duty construction equipment, and this is a great example of how clean fuel technology is spreading to all kinds of vehicles.
There are about 4,700 mixer trucks in the South Coast Basin, with the trucks typically operating with 350-hp, diesel-fueled engines. Mixers represent 4 percent of the total vehicular PM emissions in the region, SCAQMD officials contend. The natural gas engine in this demonstration project already meets the 2010 heavy-duty engine emission standards, making the prototype the country’s cleanest operating mixer truck. Û