Armed with an overall forecast even more pessimistic than that of President Obama’s top advisers, PCA Chief Economist Edward Sullivan offered a near-term outlook even more depressed than his original 2009 forecast released late last year
Read MoreDay: February 9, 2009
Pca Economist Tells House Cement Industry Can Handle Aggressive Infrastructure Stimulus
Edward Sullivan, PCA’s chief economist, testified on Jan. 22 before the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that the nation’s cement industry has more than enough supply potential to feed even the most optimistic infrastructure spending program that might encompass road and highways, bridges and dams, schools and other public buildings, and sewer and water treatment projects
Read MoreFederal Engineers Link Viscosity Agents To Doubling Of Concrete Service Life
NIST engineers report a nano-sized additive whose potential to slow chloride ion and sulfate ingress could double the service life of concrete slabs and structures exposed to deicing compounds, seawater and active soils
Read MoreOsha Eyes $76K In Fines For MassachusettsÌ Flagg-Palmer Precast
Following an OSHA Springfield Area Office inspection prompted by employee complaints, Flagg-Palmer Precast Inc. faces a total of $76,900 in proposed fines for 35 alleged repeat, serious and other than serious violations of workplace health and safety standards at its Oxford, Mass., plant
Read MoreDemo Home Parlays Icfs For Stronger, Greener, Smarter Construction
The NextGen “First to the Future” Demonstration Home, located a short distance from the Las Vegas Strip, is a U.S. Department of Energy Builders Challenge home that showcases concrete products and applications offering a range of sustainable and environmental benefits
Read MoreLeed Calculator Tallies Ready Mixed ÀgreenÌ Benefits
Joining NRMCA’s arsenal of tools to promote the green properties of ready mixed is the Recycled Content and Regional Material Calculator for the Concrete Industry (LEED calculator)
Read MoreNrmca Releases Pervious Concrete Mixture Proportioning Software
After more than a year of laboratory research work, NRMCA has developed a mixture proportioning software program for pervious concrete, especially aimed at helping users a) target design void content, critical to finished slabs’ water percolation; and, b) achieve an optimum paste of appropriate consistency to yield material that is neither too dry or too wet
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