Joining NRMCA’s arsenal of tools to promote the green properties of ready mixed is the Recycled Content and Regional Material Calculator for the Concrete Industry (LEED calculator)
Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.
Joining NRMCA’s arsenal of tools to promote the green properties of ready mixed is the Recycled Content and Regional Material Calculator for the Concrete Industry (LEED calculator). An Excel-based program, it quantifies concrete’s contribution to LEED 2.2 and LEED 2009 Recycled Content and Regional Material credits. The calculator allows input on project details, concrete producer, and other applicable data. The program provides results in a single-page letter that can be submitted to the LEED Accredited Professional, project manager, or building owner. The green building movement has really taken hold across the U.S., and the LEED calculator is one key tool that can help detail concrete’s attributes to the desired targeted audience, such as a building owner or architect, affirms NRMCA Senior Director of Sustainable Construction Erin Ashley.
Further emphasizing the environmental and sustainable qualities of ready mixed concrete is NRMCA’s first live, online course: Concrete’s Role in Sustainable Development, beginning Monday, April 6, will focus on LEED 2009 to help participants understand and prepare for the new system. Orders can be placed at