The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) announces its Building Information Modeling (BIM) AudioCast series
The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) announces its Building Information Modeling (BIM) AudioCast series. In conjunction with the buildingSMART alliance, CSI is producing the bimWITS series, drawing on the knowledge and experience Û the ÎwitsÌ Û of experts working with BIM. Notes CSI Executive Director and CEO Walter Marlowe, As BIM is an evolving technology often vaguely defined and little understood throughout the industry, CSI’s new AudioCast series will feature national and international experts, who will clearly explain to average practitioners how BIM affects the way they do their jobs.
The free series, available to the public through the CSI web site, will be posted to on the first and third Mondays of every month. Each episode, generally running between three and eight minutes, will address BIM best practices. The May 2008 debut episode featured an interview with Deke Smith, executive director of the buildingSMART Alliance.
Separately, CSI reports that it has formed a Building Information Modeling Committee to guide Institute initiatives for the advancement of BIM in planning, design, construction and operation of the built environment. One of the new committee’s first actions is the formation of a BIM Practice Group of technology users Û both inside and outside of CSI Û whose information management experience in implementing BIM will feed an Institute roadmap.
According to Marlowe, CSI has an important role to fulfill in the implementation of BIM by developing knowledge classification systems, formats, standards, practice guideline, and education to support collaborative practice. This group will be essential to creating the support structures that the industry needs to fully implement BIM.