Eco Material Technologies will add up to 600,000 tons to its annual concrete-grade fly ash shipments with construction of a facility for processing and beneficiating coal combustion material impounded at Georgia Power’s Plant Branch, a Putnam County, Ga. generating station the Atlanta-based utility retired in 2015. Using its ES EcoSystem Efficient Carbon Offloading (ECO) technology, South Jordan, Utah-based Eco Material…
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Eco Material envisions 10M tons from 25-year Dakota ash harvest
Sources: Eco Material Technologies, South Jordan, Utah Eco Material Technologies and Bismarck, N.D.-based Rainbow Energy Center will invest in harvesting and beneficiation plants at the utility’s Coal Creek Station, transforming impounded bottom ash materials to construction-grade fly ash and gypsum. North Dakota’s first of their kind and Eco Material’s second such investments, the plants will have projected annual yields of…
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