A strategic partnership with Lafarge Canada will position Quality Concrete Ltd. with upwards of 20 ready mixed plants in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. A Halifax ChronicleHerald report with limited detail on the partnership structure notes that Lafarge is contributing nine ready mixed and four aggregate plants to the business, while maintaining its Brookfield, N.S., cement operation.
Tag: Quality Concrete Ltd
Quality Concrete expands Atlantic Canada footprint in Lafarge agreement
Sources: The ChronicleHerald, Halifax, N.S.; Stevens Group, Dartmouth, N.S.; CP staff
A strategic partnership with Lafarge Canada will position Quality Concrete Ltd. with upwards of 20 ready mixed plants in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. A ChronicleHerald report with limited detail on the partnership structure notes that Lafarge will contribute nine ready mixed plants plus four aggregate operations to the business, and maintain its Brookfield, N.S., cement plant.
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