N.C. State, Lehigh, Alabama teams top PCI Big Beam Competition

Sources: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago; CP staff A North Carolina State University student team, guided by faculty advisor Gregory Lucier and member producer Tindall Corp., took the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute 2024 Engineering Design Competition. Now in its 24th and better known as Big Beam, the event challenges college or university students to fabricate and test 20-ft. structural members. Teams are judged…

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NPCA, CPCI team on education, sustainability, marketing efforts

Sources: National Precast Concrete Association, Carmel, Ind.; CP staff

A memorandum of understanding will enable NPCA and Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute to broaden their information sharing and collaborate across a number of important areas of common interests, including education, sustainability and marketing to the specifying community.

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