Prometheus Materials, DOE labs team on carbon removal accounting

Sources: Prometheus Materials, Longmont, Colo.; CP staff The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is providing $10 million to a private/public team tasked with establishing methods for measuring, reporting and verifying carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and sequestration in cement and concrete. The agency’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will team with Prometheus Materials,…

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Carbon removal credit platform bears on CaptureCrete performance

Citing launch of the first forward crediting platform for carbon removal (CDR) projects that ensure at least 1,000 years of permanence, San Francisco climate technology startup Covalent is poised to connect innovators and new financing sources, starting with CaptureCrete developer Carbon Limit. The Boca Raton, Fla. company formulates its signature concrete additive to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide then mineralize the…

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