Newly funded Checkoff solicits regional, national concrete masonry program proposals

Newly funded Checkoff solicits regional, national concrete masonry
program proposals

Sources: Concrete Masonry Checkoff Board, Washington, D.C.; CP staff

The Concrete Masonry Checkoff Board (CMCB) is accepting program idea submissions through September 29. Concrete block production, construction, building design and allied stakeholders are welcome to offer ideas for regional or national Checkoff-funded programs in a portal posted here. CMCB is also looking for a partner to work closely with Directors on developing a national brand and marketing strategy. Proposals can be submitted through October 6 at a portal posted here

The program proposal and marketing partner invitations follow CMCB’s recent closing of remittances from the inaugural Checkoff quarter (April-June; August 29 payment deadline), enabling distribution of funds consistent with the board’s “Concrete Masonry Products Research, Education and Promotion” mission. Additional information can be obtained at the Concrete Masonry Checkoff website or from Checkoff CEO Kim Spahn, [email protected].