Air Force, Corps, FAA experts anchor Airfield Paving Workshop

Sources: American Concrete Pavement Association, Rosemont, Ill.; CP staff

The American Concrete Pavement Association’s (ACPA) Best Practices in Airfield Paving Workshop, October 24-26 in Denver, will offer guidance for the design, construction and rehabilitation of airport runway, taxiway and apron slabs. The program will feature technical presentations by subject matter experts from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transportation System Center, Federal Aviation Administration Office of Airport Safety and Standards, Air Force Civil Engineering Center, plus companies with direct involvement in the design and construction of FAA and Tri-Services projects. 

Day one presentations will focus on pavement design guidance and preconstruction activities; day two on construction techniques, quality control and specifications; and, day three on construction planning and sustainability. A popular element of ACPA’s airport pavement training program is open discussion about interpreting and applying FAA P–501 and Unified Facilities Guide Specification (UFGS) 32 13 14.13. Such dialog serves as a guide for interpreting, gaining a better understanding, and learning practical insights about the specifications.

The workshop is intended for owners’ representatives, design engineers, contractor personnel, and others with an interest in concrete pavement design, construction and rehabilitation for airport applications. Participants can earn up to 20 professional development hours with the event. ACPA offers professional development hours with the assumption of their use in self-reporting states and provinces. Reporting is done on an honor basis, and participants are responsible for maintaining their own records and determining the applicability and acceptance with their respective licensing/certification organization. The cost of the three-day workshop is $900 for members and government employees; $1,200 for non-members. Registration can be obtained at