Sources: Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro; CP staff
One of the primary Concrete Industry Management Program catalysts on the academia side has commenced an online survey to gauge employee burnout and worklife context. As director of the School of Concrete and Construction Management at MTSU—home to the charter CIM degree program—Dr. Heather Brown and Associate Professor Dr. Jacob Avila cite the survey’s intent of “advancing collective understanding of work and identifying intervention strategies to enhance the health and engagement of professionals in the concrete industry.”
The 20-minute survey is formatted for respondent anonymity; offered with the understanding that researchers will not attempt to extract personal or identifying information; and, open to employees of U.S. or Canadian companies throughout the concrete value chain. It is divided into Demographics (18 items), Maslach Burnout Inventory (16 items), Areas of Worklife Survey (28 items), and Exit (3 items) sections. Additional information on the survey, posted here can be obtained from Dr. Avila, 615/898-5715, [email protected].