Concrete Research Council issues RFP to fund candidate work

Source: ACI Foundation, Farmington Hills, Mich. 

The ACI Foundation’s Concrete Research Council, which funds projects that further concrete materials or construction knowledge and sustainability, is reviewing proposals for 2020 awards through December 2. Proposal and funding parameters include:

  • Topics are encouraged from all areas of concrete research;
  • Up to $50,000 may be approved per project for direct costs;
  • Due to a 15 percent research organization overhead cost limit, the ACI Foundation may award up to a maximum of $7,500 additional funds for indirect costs;
  • An ACI Technical Committee must support the research concept and participate in an advisory role to the principal investigator;
  • An individual researcher can serve as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator on only one submitted proposal;
  • Industry partnering and project cost sharing are strongly encouraged;
  • Principal investigators shall follow the requirements in the Council’s RFP Application Guide.

Selection of awarded projects and notifications to principal investigators occurs after the ACI Spring Concrete Convention and Exposition. Additional program information can be obtained from ACI Foundation Assistant Director Tricia Ladely, [email protected]. Information on last year’s projects is posted at