Sources: Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Va.; CP staff
Hundreds of drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater leaders and professionals representing the largest organizations or authorities in the country are taking to Capitol Hill during Water Week 2018 (April 15 -21). In meetings with lawmakers, they will advocate for national policies that advance clean, safe, affordable and sustainable water for all Americans, calling on Congress to:
• Double the funding for the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Loan Funds;
• Pass legislation to reauthorize and boost funding for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act;
• Increase funding for the National Priorities Water Research Grant program to $20 million;
• Strengthen protection of the nation’s waters in the 2018 Farm Bill;
• Increase funding for USDA’s rural water/wastewater loan and grant program; and,
• Increase funding for the Bureau of Reclamation’s water recycling program to $60 million.
Water Week 2018 comes as the nation’s water resources and systems face growing challenges that include aging infrastructure, increased water quality concerns, workforce shortages, and climate change impacts. Conditions have been visible in recent events, such as the drinking water crisis in Flint, Mich.; harmful algal blooms in Ohio and Florida; severe drought conditions in California; plus, hurricane impacts in Texas, Florida, Louisiana and Puerto Rico.