The American Society of Concrete Contractors has recently updated its Safety Manual and Safety Management Plan to reflect changes in Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations and concrete construction practices. With ASCC Safety & Risk Management Council (SRMC) oversight, the programs were written by and for concrete contractors with the goal of helping the industry as a whole.
At 300-plus pages, the ASCC Safety Manual covers all aspects of an effective concrete safety program and includes topics on office management and operations. It will assist construction interests in managing their businesses in a safe, efficient manner and in compliance with applicable safety and health regulations. The document may be customized to make it company-specific. The thirty-five chapters include The Cost of Accidents, Roles and Responsibilities, Safety Disciplinary Procedure, Recordkeeping, Employee Orientation and Safety Training.
The ASCC Safety Management Plan was prepared to help small or new contractors develop and implement basic protocol that can be customized to meet the needs of the individual company. It covers policy statements, safety responsibilities, inspections, accident investigation, safety meetings, training, recordkeeping, first aid, emergency planning and more. The management plan includes numerous sample forms and tags and is available as a three-ring binder or as a CD.
The SRMC is dedicated to making ASCC members the safest contractors in the industry. Council members share their expertise and experience in the field of concrete construction and concrete engineering to educate and train ASCC contractors in all aspects of safety. —