Free webinar explores new NLRB, union organizer means of muscling employers

Sources: CP staff; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

A June 30 presentation, “The NLRB Is Changing the Workplace. Are You Prepared?,” will spotlight recent National Labor Relations Board decisions impacting union and nonunion companies. A partner in the Macon, Ga., office of Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP, attorney Jeff Thompson will focus on rule or procedure changes that allow unions to be quickly and easily elected as bargaining unit representatives, and require release of employees’ personal information to union organizers, potentially undermining employer due process rights.

During the webinar, presented 1–2 p.m. EST, he will also summarize employer policies now considered illegal, as well as possible modifications to employee handbooks and other rules of conduct policies. “The NLRB Is Changing the Workplace” is free for NRMCA members, and available to nonmembers for a $50 fee; registration can be obtained here.