Source: EP Henry, Woodbury, N.J.
True to a “Keep Moving Forward” theme, this year’s Mid-Atlantic Hardscaping Trade Show (MAHTS) at the Atlantic City (N.J.) Convention Center saw sharply improved metrics against prior year figures: attendance and number of exhibitors up 50 percent and 35 percent, respectively, and many participants noting they are booked well into the season—a first for such an indicator since 2007.
Presented annually since 2000 by leading hardscape unit producer EP Henry, MAHTS encompasses trade exhibit; construction and business skills training; industry certification; plus, arena and classroom education activities. This year’s attendance, sponsorship and exhibitor figures, notes Director of Contractor Business Development Paul Cimini, “Were at the highest since before the recession. Attendees came ready to learn and prove that these industries can adapt to a new economy and a new kind of customer.”
While attendees’ customers are once again ready to put more money into their homes, he adds, tastes are changing and evolving as more hardscaping options become available. Homeowners no longer want to be like their neighbors; they’re looking for unique ways to express themselves and their personalities through the home and yard.
Keeping that in mind, EP Henry introduced “The Future of Hardscaping” symposium during MAHTS 2014. It brought hardscaping professionals together with new systems and products to be applied and mastered, and featured an arena with live construction of a next generation outdoor oasis from design to completion over a two-day schedule.