Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.
A free, one-hour webinar NRMCA is presenting at 3 p.m. (EST) March 1 and 15 will examine “Product Category Rules for ISO 14025 Type III Environmental Product Declarations for Concrete,” a draft download of which is open to comment through the end of the month.
Researchers at the University of Washington College of Built Environment’s Carbon Leadership Forum, have worked with NRMCA members and staff on standards to track and report the environmental footprint of concrete. Through the Product Category Rules, producers can prepare Environmental Product Declarations on different concrete mixes, and enable architects and engineers to specify low impact concrete. Registration for the webinar can be completed by clicking on the target date: March 1 or March 15.
The PCR/EPD for Concrete standard is expected to help design professionals meet the American Institute of Architects-rooted 2030 Challenge for Products, which calls for dramatic reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions related to construction materials production and transportation. Toward the March 31 deadline for comments, NRMCA is asking its members to review the draft standard and provide input through the CLF or, as part of a combined industry response, to Lionel Lemay, senior vice president, Sustainable Development, [email protected].