Lafarge North America has reaffirmed a commitment to the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains by extending a seven-year partnership with World Wildlife Fund Canada. Western Business Unit, Cement Division President Bob Cooper (left, below) and Western Canada Region, Aggregates & Concrete Division President René Thibault assembled last month at Seebe quarry, near Exshaw, Alberta, to sign the 2050 Conservation Vision Statement covering cement, aggregate and ready mixed operations in the province.
Over the next 40 years, it calls for conservation efforts to secure and protect ecologically vulnerable wildlife populations; improve the health and welfare of those who live, work, and play in the area; and address significant and relevant social, environmental, and economic concerns of the region’s stakeholders. Efforts thus far in Alberta have centered on accommodations for wildlife habitat around Seebe and other quarries, plus the Exshaw cement plant along the Bow River. Concurrent with those measures, Lafarge invested heavily in securing habitat for bald eagle family nesting at a new ready mixed production site on the Vancouver waterfront (Concrete Products, April 2010).