Coinciding with its “Summer of Safety” webinar series and June’s Safety Month designation, NRMCA now presents the latest offering in its safety-focused training curriculum: Safety Series #18: Night Pour Safety for the Ready Mixed Concrete Industry
Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.
Coinciding with its Summer of Safety webinar series and June’s Safety Month designation, NRMCA now presents the latest offering in its safety-focused training curriculum: Safety Series #18: Night Pour Safety for the Ready Mixed Concrete Industry. The program has been released as a CD-based PowerPoint presentation (with instructor notes) designed to teach employees the importance of hazard recognition during night pours.
Emphasized in Night Pour Safety Training is the 1 to 1 Rule, since excavations are more difficult to detect at night; slip, trip and fall avoidance; and, temporary lighting issues. Additionally, a quiz and documentation form are enclosed to track personnel training.
These courses were created in conjunction with member company volunteers to ensure maximum training effectiveness, notes Doug Rexroad, director of Health, Safety and Environmental at NRMCA member company Essroc Ready Mix, Inc. and NRMCA Safety Task Group chairman. While night pours are an attractive option to reduce traffic congestion, they also potentially increase the chance for accidents to happen on the job site.