Following last month’s relocation of its headquarters within downtown Chicago, the Precast/Prestressed Institute is migrating to an electronic Quality
Following last month’s relocation of its headquarters within downtown Chicago, the Precast/Prestressed Institute is migrating to an electronic Quality System Manuals (QSMs) submission process to reduce necessary resources for both the institute and member plant operations. Accordingly, all QSMs now must be submitted electronically.
The electronic submission requirement will significantly reduce administrative, printing, and shipping costs and help facilitate the move, since all current hard copies will be shredded and recycled. PCI is aiming for all Plant Certification Program participants to electronically submit a current, up-to-date QSM, in its entirety, by this month.
QSM submission requirements include (1) all QSMs should be submitted regardless of any recent hard-copy submissions; (2) Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) is the preferred format, but Microsoft Word (.doc) files also are acceptable; (3) files may be submitted via e-mail, but must be smaller than 10 MB; (4) files larger than 10 MB should be copied onto a CD and mailed to PCI; and, (5) e-mail addresses of designated plant quality-control personnel should be included in the submission. Once the QSM has been received, confirmation will be sent via e-mail. Questions or comments may be directed to Jessica Burnett, 312/583-6774, [email protected]; or, Dean Frank, 312/583-6770, [email protected].