Nrmca Call For Entries: 2010 Ready Mixed Concrete Delivery Professional Driver Of The Year

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association’s 14th Annual Ready Mixed Concrete Delivery Professional Driver of the Year Awards program aims to recognize outstanding mixer truck operators who have logged a minimum of five years’ service to an NRMCA member company

Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.

The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association’s 14th Annual Ready Mixed Concrete Delivery Professional Driver of the Year Awards program aims to recognize outstanding mixer truck operators who have logged a minimum of five yearsÌ service to an NRMCA member company. Winners will be honored at an awards presentation ceremony during the mid-March NRMCA Annual Convention in Austin, Texas. The deadline for entry submission is January 4. Entry forms can be obtained at, or by contacting Gary Mullings, [email protected]