Ten years after permitting and work began to build a new Vancouver Harbour ready mixed operation to serve the steadily growing downtown and East Vancouver markets, Lafarge Canada completed all construction and proceeded with early commissioning by the end of 2009
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Nrmca, Wildlife Habitat Council Promote Biodiversity At Rm Plants
A new NRMCA and Wildlife Habitat Council partnership encourages member participation each organization’s environmental programs and advances voluntary corporate leadership in environmental performance, including wildlife habitat enhancement and restoration
Read MoreContractors Pull No Punches Responding To Obama Project Labor Agreement Rule
Two leading contractor groups offered scathing criticism of a rule, effective April 13, encouraging federal agencies to impose project labor agreements (PLA) on federal construction projects exceeding $25 million
Read MoreKraft Energy Fills Void In Besser Portfolio
Besser has acquired Ft. Worth, Texas-based Kraft Energy Systems Inc., whose curing equipment and technology have become fixtures in North American and overseas manufactured-concrete plants
Read MoreFaux Stone Veneer Producers Launch Design Awards
Entries in MVMA’s first annual Design Awards program are being accepted through May 10
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