Critics of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, which passed the U.S. House and foreshadows steep future taxes on portland cement and other products of energy-intensive processing, guarantee a rough ride for the legislation in the Senate later this year
Read MoreMonth: June 2009
Clean Energy Act Nays Stack Up In Cement Plant-Tied Districts
Party interests aside, Rep. Joe Barton’s (R-TX) nay on American Clean Energy and Security Act likely reflects certain constituents’ sensitivity to a “national energy tax”
Read MoreAmbitious $450 Billion Highway Bill May Hit Speed Bump
At a June 18 Capitol Hill news conference, the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure released their blueprint for the next surface transportation authorization bill
Read MoreEngineers Trace Concrete Creep To Calcium Silicate Hydrate Shifting In Matrix
Calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) granules’ tendency to rearrange into altered densities–some looser, others more tightly packed–leads to creep, the deformation concrete experiences under loading
Read MoreNcma, Icpi Explore Mutual Promotion, Member Support Strategies
During a recent two-day session in Chicago, NCMA and Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute representatives discussed how their groups could jointly promote paving stones and segmental retaining wall units, and support development of hardscape unit contractors/installers
Read MorePost-Rockwood Equipment Design Group Rebranded Rusticator Machinery
In-line concrete masonry and hardscape unit surface treatment/distressing specialist Equipment Design Group is now operating as Rusticator Machinery, with Bradley Price at the helm
Read MoreSenate DemsÌ Clean Water Act Expansion Fosters Sweeping Federal Power Grab
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved in a vote along party lines (12-7) the Clean Water Restoration Act (S. 787), empowering the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers with authority far beyond the original Clean Water Act
Read MoreCemstone Brings High-Reactivity Metakaolin Scm Into Mainstream Mix Design
Under a new partnership with Calgary-based Whitemud Resources Inc., Cemstone has begun using WhitemudMK high-reactivity metakaolin (HRM) as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete mix designs for heavy/civil work
Read MorePca: Will Epa Regs Foster ÀopecÌ Factor For Domestic Cement Consumers?
A proposed hazardous air pollutant regulation for the cement industry undermines the balance between environmental protection and economic viability, potentially forcing U.S. concrete producers to turn to foreign powder sources, PCA noted at EPA hearings June 16-18 in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Arlington, Va.
Read MoreHolcim Buys Cemex’s Australian Operations At Fire-Sale Price
Just shy of the two-year anniversary of Cemex’s $16 billion acquisition of Australia’s Rinker Group, the Mexican building materials giant has agreed to sell its entire Australian operations to Swiss-owned Holcim Group for about $1.64 billion
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