In two retrofits and two transit-to-central mixed conversions, Tracy, Calif.-based Con-E-Co dealer DHE Inc. has installed Model 12 tilt mixers at the Ameron Hawaii batch plants on Oahu and Maui islands, while also delivering a new Model 12-equipped Lo-Pro 427CM plant. The move to central mixed production at two locations was partly driven by performance requirements for a major bridge deck contract, and to address increasing demand for specialty concretes.
Tag: tilt mixers
Agency specs, customer demands drive Ameron Hawaii’s five-plant, central mixed upgrade
Sources: Concrete Equipment Co., Blair, Neb.; CP staff
In two retrofits and two transit-to-central mixed conversions, Con-E-Co dealer DHE Inc. has installed Model 12 tilt mixers at the Ameron Hawaii batch plants on Oahu and Maui islands, and also delivered a new Model 12-equipped Lo-Pro 427CM plant. The move to central mixed production at two locations was partly driven by performance requirements for a major bridge deck contract, and to address increasing demand for specialty concretes.
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