Market gains augment Kenworth’s timely T880 series build out


Kenworth Truck hosted a mid-summer gathering for concrete, equipment and trucking publications to showcase T880 series models, geared to concrete mixer, dump and other vocational market applications. Between company headquarters and a demonstration track in Kirkland and Snoqualmie, Wash., Kenworth management, marketing and engineering staff reflected on a favorable truck market outlook; customers’ embrace of the set back axle T880, well positioned after three years on the market and much on track to succeed the longstanding T800 model; solid response to the T880S, a set forward axle version introduced at ConExpo-Con/Agg 2017; Paccar MX engine and powertrain components’ increasing traction among T880 and T660 series deliveries; and, two proprietary front axles joining the Paccar Powertrain program.

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