CarbonCure Technologies in Halifax, Nova Scotia, has named to its board of directors B+H Architects Global Sustainability Lead and Senior Principal Lisa Bate, immediate past World Green Building Council chair, and, retired AECOM Chief Executive Officer Michael Burke. The company has also named CEO Robert Niven, who founded the business in 2012, as chairman. “Since buildings are the source of…
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The Roanoke Cement Co. Troutville, Va., campus has earned Gold certification under the TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) rating system. Administered by Green Business Certification Inc., TRUE helps facilities define, pursue and achieve zero waste goals while becoming more resource efficient.
To recognize the recently proclaimed Concrete Industry Day, American Concrete Pavement Association-Colorado/Wyoming Chapter, American Concrete Pipe Association and Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association members hosted legislators and staff late last month for a BBQ picnic lunch on the Colorado State Capitol grounds in Denver. In addition to government outreach, the associations teamed to raise awareness of the industry’s key link to economic growth and sustainable development practices in the state.
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