ASTM aligns with ICC to promote resilient construction practice

Sources: ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.; CP staff

An early-May webinar series timed with the International Code Council’s Building Safety Month, coupled with ICC and Alliance for National Community Resilience partnerships, highlight a longstanding ASTM International commitment to developing standards for safe and resilient construction.

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Robust ICF home center stage in Superstorm FLASHback

Sources: Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Tallahassee, Fla.; CP staff

The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) Partnership has marked the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Sandy’s sweep through coastal New Jersey and New York with a new video featuring a storm survivor’s commitment to building her home back better and creating resilience in the face of future storms.

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PCA report delves resilient construction at big picture, granular levels

Sources: Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill.; CP staff

A new PCA report presents historical data, evidence from external sources, and structural material comparisons supporting the premise: Cast-in-place or precast concrete, or concrete masonry construction methods lead to longer lasting buildings owing to their ability to stand up to normal wear and tear plus resistance to extreme weather events.

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Law steers Federal agencies toward resilient construction

Sources: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.; CP staff

Along with funding the federal government through September, the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill President Donald Trump signed into law earlier this month includes NRMCA-advocated positions or directives for agencies influencing residential and commercial building design.

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