Winning projects from an annual Environmental Protection Agency competition that engages college students in on-campus green infrastructure design demonstrate the health and environmental benefits of good stormwater management.
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EPA’s RainWorks Challenge brings pavement, harvesting practice to school
Sources: Environmental Protection Agency; CP staff
Registration continues through September 30 for EPA’s fifth annual Campus RainWorks Challenge, where college and university student teams use campuses as labs to develop green infrastructure systems to reduce stormwater pollution and build resilience.
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Environmental Protection Agency ’s fourth annual Campus RainWorks Challenge compels undergraduate and graduate student participants to design green infrastructure systems to reduce stormwater pollution. Such systems include permeable pavement materials, rain-harvesting vessels and vegetated green roofs. Along with companion practices, EPA notes, they decrease pollution to local waterways by treating rain where it falls and keeping polluted stormwater from entering sewer systems; increase economic activity, neighborhood revitalization, job creation and open space; and, reduce local water infrastructure burden, urban heat island effect and energy consumption.
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