Notre Dame engineering student team takes PCI 2015 Big Beam Contest

The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Student Education Committee recently judged the Sika Corp.-sponsored Engineering Student Design Competition, or Big Beam Contest, challenging college or university teams to fabricate and test a precast/prestressed concrete beam with the help of local PCI Producer members. Prizes based on efficient design, highest load capacity and other criteria are awarded to the top 20 entries, drawn from a North America-wide pool.

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Notre Dame engineering student team takes PCI 2015 Big Beam Contest

Sources: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago; CP staff

The PCI Student Education Committee recently judged the Sika Corp.-sponsored Engineering Student Design Competition, or Big Beam Contest, challenging college or university teams to fabricate and test a precast/prestressed concrete beam with the help of local PCI Producer members. Prizes based on efficient design, highest load capacity and other criteria are awarded to the top 20 entries, drawn from a North America-wide pool.

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