Oldcastle Architectural’s Echelon brand has launched the InsulTech Concrete Masonry System’s Half-High product line as an extension to its popular full high product. The system features about a dozen profiles—in finished nominal dimensions of 12 ¼ x 4 x 16 inches—offering more flexibility and options for architects designing hospitals, schools and other institutions, while meeting building codes.
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Segmental concrete paving slab standard augments ASTM C936
ASTM International C15 Committee on Manufactured Masonry Units’ new standard, C1782/C1782M, Specification for Utility Segmental Concrete Paving Slabs, determines the minimum flexural strength, dimensional tolerances, and freeze-thaw durability requirements for 12- to 48-in. square products.
Read MoreNew Grout, Mortar, Stucco Mix Packaging; Fitting, Functional
A comprehensive re-branding initiative for Amerimix, Oldcastle Architectural’s pre-blended mortar, grout and stucco offering, includes new messaging and a new logo to be incorporated throughout all communication elements. The initiative is part of a sustained commitment towards helping masons and plasterers “build better” with the company’s product line.
Read MoreOldcastle Architectural harmonizes block, stone, bagged product branding
The top gun in concrete block and stone veneer has unveiled a brand to make its vast portfolio of innovative masonry products and services easier to identify, select and order. Echelon Masonry will build on Oldcastle Architectural’s track record of continuous innovation in conventional or premium architectural block; unit color variety; lightweight or full depth veneer stone; high performance wall systems; and, products with advanced environmental or acoustical performance.
Oldcastle Architectural times insulated wall system launch with AIA Convention
Source: Oldcastle Architectural, Atlanta; CP staff
InsulTech, a completely insulated concrete masonry unit (ICMU) wall assembly offering energy efficiency and moisture management performance benefits, coupled with standard installation assurances, leads new offerings Oldcastle Architectural will bring to the American Institute of Architects 2014 Convention and Expo, June 26-28 at Chicago’s McCormick Place.
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