The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has named members of a technical team investigating the June 24, 2021 partial collapse of the reinforced concrete Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Fla. Progressive column and slab failure took the lives of 96. Cornell University Professor of Civil Engineering Kenneth Hover and ACI Committee 318 Immediate…
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Ground limestone exhibits mixture paste content optimization potential
Keen on lower carbon alternatives to portland cement-only binders, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology has published Technical Note 1906, Minimizing Paste Content in Concrete Using Limestone Powders — Demonstration Mixtures. Researchers cite target performance levels in concrete mixtures with up to 28 percent lower portland cement content using a binary blend with limestone powder.
Read MoreNew ASTM standard informs sustainable manufacturing
Source: ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
ASTM Committee E60 on Sustainability has developed E3012, Guide for Characterizing Environmental Aspects of Manufacturing Process, to help businesses incorporate sustainable practices and transition into science-based modeling, decision-making and production.
Read MoreNIST spells role of ground limestone in optimizing mixture paste content
Sources: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Md.; CP staff
Keen on lower carbon alternatives to portland cement-only binders, the U.S. Department of Commerce-backed NIST has published Technical Note 1906, Minimizing Paste Content in Concrete Using Limestone Powders – Demonstration Mixtures. Researchers cite target performance levels in concrete mixtures with up to 28 percent lower portland cement content using a binary blend with limestone powder.
Read MoreFirst code improvements adopted based on Feds’ Joplin tornado study
Protecting schools and their associated high-occupancy buildings from violent tornadoes is the goal of the first approved building code changes based on recommendations from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) technical investigation into the impacts of the May 2011 tornado that devestated Joplin, Mo.
Standard on mixes’ electrical resistance spells critical quality control data
Sources: ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.; CP staff
The proposed ASTM WK50586, Practice for Measuring the Electrical Resistance of Fresh Concrete standard will show how to sample a load, prepare a mix specimen for evaluation and conduct measurements—the latter yielding information on water-cement ratio, initial setting time, compressive strength, and overall concrete quality.
Read MoreBuilding agency stresses STEM-wise workforce, code compliance in report to Congress
Source: National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS), Washington, D.C.
The NIBS 2013 report, Moving Forward: Findings and Recommendations from the Consultive Council, spans five key areas: The Building Workforce; Guidance on the Use of Non-Potable Water; Understanding the Energy/Water Nexus; Supporting the Existing State and Local Building Regulatory Infrastructure; and, Developing the Business Case for Private Sector Investment in Hazard Mitigation. Among recommendations in the eight-page document:
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