Huntsman Corp. prepares to spin off Davis, Granufin pigment business

Sources: Huntsman Corp., The Woodlands, Texas; CP staff

Huntsman anticipates an early-August initial public offering of 22.7 million Venator Materials Plc shares, priced in the $20-$22 range and traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the VNTR symbol. The Wynard, United Kingdom-based entity encompasses Davis Colors, Granufin and other Rockwood Pigments brands Huntsman acquired in 2013.

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Davis Colors parent transitions to chemical giant Huntsman

Sources: Huntsman Corp., The Woodlands, Texas; CP staff

In a cash deal hovering $1 billion, plus assumption of overseas pension liabilities, Huntsman has closed on Rockwood Holdings’ Titanium Dioxide and Performance Additives businesses, the latter including legacy concrete pigment producer Davis Colors of Los Angeles.

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