Oldcastle Precast teams up with GEI Consultants and FDE for ‘French Dam’ prototype


Oldcastle Precast, civil engineering and consulting firm French Development Enterprises LLC, and Woburn, Mass.-based GEI Consultants have successfully constructed and assembled the first prototype “French Dam,” a modular precast impoundment for construction and retrofit of hydroelectric dams, water control systems and power houses.

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Oldcastle Precast teams up with GEI Consultants and FDE for ‘French Dam’ prototype

Source: French Development Enterprises, North Billerica, Mass.

Oldcastle Precast, civil engineering and consulting firm FDE, and Woburn, Mass.-based GEI Consultants have successfully constructed and assembled the first prototype “French Dam,” a modular precast impoundment for construction and retrofit of hydroelectric dams, water control systems and power houses.

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