16.5-in. arrayed diamond blades


Q-Drive 16.5-in. Hard-Brick and Hard Concrete blades incorporate the latest in diamond tool technology, bearing what product engineers describe as an ideal ratio of diamond to metal powder concentration. Optimized for strenuous work environments, the blades deliver faster and more consistent cutting speeds. When one row of diamonds begins to wear out, a second row behind it is ready to begin cutting.

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Diamond blades

47 Bladeb 150

The 14-in. STS-6 Multi-Application Diamond Blade features manufacturer’s third generation patterned diamond technology, which evenly aligns diamonds into rows within the blade’s segment. Precise alignment ensures the maximum amount of diamonds contacting the cutting surface at any given moment, product engineers note, netting a blade with consistent segment wear rate and approximately 30 percent more footage versus comparable blades.

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