Producers voting in a November-December Department of Commerce (DOC) referendum approved formation of a Concrete Masonry Products Board, empowered to fund a Concrete Masonry Checkoff Program through collection of 1 cent per block sold in the U.S. The referendum passed on the strength of two required majorities: 62 percent of voting producers who represent 53 percent of block machine cavities…
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House approves Concrete Masonry Products Promotion Act
Source: National Concrete Masonry Association, Herndon, Va. On the opening day of the 114th Congress lame duck session, the U.S. House of Representatives approved HR 985, the Concrete Masonry Products, Research, Education and Promotion Act of 2015 by a 355–38 vote. The legislation authorizes the concrete masonry industry to pursue the creation of an industry-wide check-off program. Such programs have…
Read MoreASTM publishes Product Category Rules for Concrete Masonry Products
A National Concrete Masonry Association-led team of producers and allied interests has finalized “Product Category Rules for Preparing an Environmental Product Declaration for Manufactured Concrete and Concrete Masonry Products.” The 21-page document presents baseline data for life cycle assessments detailed in Environmental Product Declarations. In turn, EPD support concrete product customers seeking certification or recognition under new or emerging green building rating systems.
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Sources: ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa.; National Concrete Masonry Association, Herndon, Va.; CP staff
An NCMA-led team of producers and allied interests has finalized “Product Category Rules for Preparing an Environmental Product Declaration for Manufactured Concrete and Concrete Masonry Products.” The 21-page document presents baseline data for life cycle assessments producers detail in Environmental Product Declarations.
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