Engineers revisit parking structure loads for electric vehicle era

The Charles Pankow Foundation and partners have awarded a grant for Safe and Sustainable Parking Garage Live Loads in the Age of the Electric Vehicle, an investigation of differences between parking structures’ current design versus real world loadings. Electric vehicles’ additional weight compared to internal combustion engine cars, coupled with selective charging aisle alignment, calls for a data-driven analysis of…

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Researchers assess parking structure loads in EV era

Sources: Charles Pankow Foundation, Haymarket, Va.; CP staff The Charles Pankow Foundation and partners have awarded a grant for Safe and Sustainable Parking Garage Live Loads in the Age of the Electric Vehicle, an investigation of differences between parking structures’ current design versus real world loadings. Electric vehicles’ additional weight compared to internal combustion engine cars, coupled with selective charging…

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Researchers confirm U-bolts’ role in to rebar cage safety

A Charles Pankow Foundation investigation geared to identifying fabrication and assembly practices curtailing rebar cage collapse or failure incidents confirms the potential of U-bolt hardware to replace tie wires commonly used in lateral and transverse bar connections and increase lateral strength. The Haymarket, Va. organization teamed with the American Society of Civil Engineers Construction Institute, University of Nevada, Reno and…

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Researchers tie U-bolt connectors to rebar cage safety, integrity

Sources: Charles Pankow Foundation, Haymarket, Va.; CP staff An investigation geared to identifying fabrication and assembly practices curtailing rebar cage collapse or failure incidents confirms the potential of U-bolt hardware to replace tie wires commonly used in lateral and transverse bar connections and increase cages’ lateral strength. The Pankow Foundation teamed with the American Society of Civil Engineers Construction Institute,…

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Corps of Engineers veteran leads Charles Pankow Foundation

Source: Charles Pankow Foundation, McLean Va.  Charles Pankow Foundation directors have appointed Colonel Stuart Harrison, P.E., CFM, F.SAME, USA (retired) as the organization’s new executive director. Currently president of FaciliTech LLC, he retired from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2008 and has held executive positions with architecture, engineering, and construction companies. Interim Executive Director Mark Perniconi, P.E. is…

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Research links building live load consistency to lower embodied energy

Sources: Charles Pankow Foundation, McLean, Va.; CP staff The Portland Cement Association Education Foundation and Magnusson Klemencic Associates Foundation are lead supporters of a six-month, $100,000 research project, “Assembly Live Load Consistency for Buildings: Gateway to Reducing Embedded Energy.” Work will proceed under University of Colorado’s Dr. Ross B. Corotis, P.E., with cooperation of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)…

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CO2Concrete successor CarbonBuilt fuels curing and sequestering technology

CO2Concrete, an entity incubated at the University of California, Los Angeles, has changed its name to CarbonBuilt to better align with a mission to store significant amounts of carbon dioxide in concrete used for the built environment. Developed over the course of seven years at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering-hosted Institute for Carbon Management, the CarbonBuilt Reversa platform spans…

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Rebar connector research team targets large cage safety

Sources: Charles Pankow Foundation, McLean, Va.; CP staff

A lack of proper engineering design and detailing procedures to safeguard slurry wall foundation, cast-in-drilled hole pile and tall column rebar cage stability has compelled a Pankow Foundation grant for the American Society of Civil Engineers Construction Institute, teaming with the University of Nevada, Reno. Researchers will examine behavior of cages incorporating innovative mechanical connectors—U-bolt, threaded rod with plate and wire rope—during various loading conditions. 

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The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association has named 2019 Excellence in Quality Awards recipients. The program recognizes producers that follow and exceed quality management principles guiding materials, production processes and delivered loads. Honored during the group’s ConcreteWorks conference last month in Florida were:

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Ductile rebar research team seeks simplified precast connector specs

Sources: Charles Pankow Foundation, McLean, Va.; CP staff

A Charles Pankow Foundation grant will fund “Seismic Precast Concrete Wall and Frame Structures with Short-Grouted Ductile Rebar Connections,” a University of Notre Dame Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences investigation under Yahya Kurama, PhD, PE. Findings could support the development of commercially available connectors holding the potential to simplify precast wall and frame construction. 

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