Portland Cement Association members have elected Buzzi Unicem USA CEO Massimo Toso as board chairman and Ash Grove Cement East President Monica Manolas as vice chair, both for two-year terms. Toso succeeds Votorantim Cimentos North America CEO Filiberto Ruiz, who took the helm shortly after the October 2021 release of the PCA Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality. A call to action…
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Buzzi Unicem’s Toso, Ash Grove East’s Manolas lead PCA officer slate
Sources: Portland Cement Association, Washington, D.C.; CP staff Portland Cement Association members have elected Buzzi Unicem USA CEO Massimo Toso as board chairman and Ash Grove Cement East President Monica Manolas as vice chair, both for two-year terms. Toso succeeds Votorantim Cimentos North America CEO Filiberto Ruiz, who took the helm shortly after the October 2021 release of the PCA…
Read MoreEPA honors nine cement companies and PCA in 2021 Energy Star Awards
Thirteen of the 95 plants earning certification in the 2020 Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star manufacturing category produce portland cement: Argos USA LLC, Calera, Ala. and Harleyville, S.C.; Ash Grove Cement, Seattle; Buzzi Unicem USA, Festus, Mo. and Chattanooga, Tenn.; CalPortland Co., Rillito, Ariz.; Cemex USA, Miami; Drake Cement, Paulden, Ariz.; GCC of America, Pueblo, Colo. and Rapid City, S.D.;…
To recognize the recently proclaimed Concrete Industry Day, American Concrete Pavement Association-Colorado/Wyoming Chapter, American Concrete Pipe Association and Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association members hosted legislators and staff late last month for a BBQ picnic lunch on the Colorado State Capitol grounds in Denver. In addition to government outreach, the associations teamed to raise awareness of the industry’s key link to economic growth and sustainable development practices in the state.
Read MoreWith FTC nod, Buzzi, Eagle surface as latest Lafarge, Holcim asset suitors
Sources: CP staff; Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C.
The FTC has opened to public comment a proposed consent agreement settling a complaint alleging that the Holcim Ltd. and Lafarge S.A. merger would likely harm competition in the U.S. It details a portfolio of Holcim (US) Inc. and Lafarge North America portland cement and slag cement production and distribution assets to be divested in conjunction with the parent companies’ union.
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