Organizations – August 2023

The PCI Foundation Board has appointed Ray Clark as successor to outgoing Executive Director Marty McIntyre, effective mid-September. He will arrive after tours as Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Georgia/Carolinas Chapter executive director and US Formliner president. Clark is tasked with strengthening connections between industry partners and educational institutions, while providing transformative experiences for higher education students across the country. The latter…

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Cement, steel production emissions add up to EPA rounding errors

The Environmental Protection Agency’s new Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks cites 5.586 billion metric tons (mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions for 2021, a 6 percent increase over the prior year. The Inventory spans six economic sectors; the third largest, Industry, accounted for 24 percent, or 1.34 billion mt of CO2e in 2021.  U.S. GREENHOUSE GAS…

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Investors turbocharge CarbonCure concrete, CO2 management pursuits

Sources: CarbonCure Technologies, Halifax, Nova Scotia; CP staff A major investment by Blue Earth Capital of Switzerland, concurrent with a broader collaborative funding round north of $80 million, positions CarbonCure Technologies to accelerate a plant process and information technology roadmap driving carbon dioxide utilization and sequestration in concrete. The capital infusion was announced days after CarbonCure surpassed 750 CO2 metering and…

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NRMCA opens 2023 Environmental Excellence Awards call for entries

Source: National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Alexandria, Va. The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is accepting 2023 Commitment to Environmental Excellence Awards entries through July 21. The competition offers producers national recognition for outstanding contributions to protecting the environment and maintaining sound management practice in their operations. It salutes operators that have not only met, but surpassed governmental compliance measures…

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Rock the Block

Residential siding products from Georgia-based Nichiha USA, a premier manufacturer of fiber cement cladding, were an integral part of the winning house on the recently completed fourth season of “Rock the Block,” which airs on HGTV. Nichiha worked directly with Michel Smith Boyd, the victorious designer, donating products that would help him realize his vision for the project. Boyd and…

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SRM Cement Division adds 50,000-ton terminal close to home

Hollingshead Cement, a division of rapid growth Tennessee operator SRM Concrete, has secured cement supplies for ready mixed plants throughout its headquarters region with the opening of a 50,000-ton Nashville terminal. Located on a site along the Cumberland River, the facility is equipped for barge unloading and two-lane tanker transfer.  “We are looking forward to servicing our own cement needs…

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Lafarge Canada expands renewable diesel spec to prairie fleet

After a successful demonstration in British Columbia concrete operations, Lafarge Canada Inc. is extending to its Manitoba fleet the use of renewable diesel from waste oil and fats processor 4Refuel. The migration from petroleum diesel equates to lower carbon dioxide emissions tracked in material deliveries. “Switching to renewable diesel (R50) is a significant step forward in our sustainability journey,” says…

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Texas-based Inland Pipe Rehabilitation has rebranded as Premier Underground Renewal Infrastructure Solutions or PURIS after recently joining forces with Inliner Solutions and Murphy Pipeline Contractors. A portfolio business of New York investor J.F. Lehman & Co., PURIS is a leading provider of turnkey water infrastructure solutions, specializing in environmentally sustainable trenchless pipeline rehabilitation. It operates throughout North America and provides…

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New RMC Foundation banner stresses resilience and sustainability themes

The RMC Research and Education Foundation is now the Concrete Advancement Foundation, a change Executive Director Julie Garbini announced last month at the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Board of Directors meeting in Las Vegas. Foundation Trustees approved the move to better reflect their organization’s body of work, which for three decades has helped propel sustainability and resilience in the…

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Cement multinationals compound their SBTi CO2 emissions target validations

The parent company of Heidelberg Materials is the latest multinational producer in its sector to validate 2030 carbon dioxide emissions reduction target according to the Science Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi) 1.5°C framework. Across U.S., Canadian and overseas operations, HeidelbergCement AG commits to reduce gross (GHG Protocol-defined) Scope 1 and 2 emissions by a combined 26.7 percent per ton of cementitious…

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